Your portal into the magical world that exists within the hustle and bustle of city life.

Healing the Witch Wound

The witch wound refers to the collective trauma, persecution and suppression experienced by women, healers, and those who identify with the witch archetype throughout history.

Sigil magic: how to create, charge and activate sigils

The simplicity and accessibility of sigil magic make it a popular choice for modern practitioners, especially for those who may be limited by space, resources, or the need for secrecy in their practice. 

Exploring Different Types of Witchcraft: A Guide to Various Traditions and Practices

There are many types of witchcraft and, as a witch, you can follow a specific witchcraft path, a mixture of paths or no specific path at all.

Apartment Spells

Sigil magic: how to create, charge and activate sigils

The simplicity and accessibility of sigil magic make it a popular choice for modern practitioners, especially for those who may be limited by space, resources, or the need for secrecy in their practice. 

Simple, Effective Spells for Protection

There are several ways to use magic spells for protection. These can include protecting a space, shielding your energy or creating a charm for protection. I've included simple but effective spells for each of these below.

7 Easy Magic Rituals for Difficult Days

The following magic rituals take as little as a couple of minutes to do, so they are perfect for those days when you just don't have the emotional or physical energy for complex magic rituals.

First Quarter Moon Spell for New Projects and Opportunities

As the First Quarter Moon approaches, it's a great time to kickstart new projects and make things happen. This First Quarter Moon Spell is like an open invitation to connect with the moon's energy and get some extra cosmic support.

Attraction and glamour magic

Glamour magic can help you start a business, find a lover, boost your confidence, draw financial opportunities to you, or just make you feel good.

What is witchcraft?

While opinions about what witchcraft is can differ, most people can agree that witchcraft is a spiritual and/or psychological practice that often uses rituals, spells and other practices to bring about desired outcomes.

Urban witch: Using city energy to supercharge your magic

As urban witches, we can tap into the energy of the city and channel it into our magic.

City magic: 3 city witchcraft spells

On a day of sunshine and showers in mid-July, I take a pilgrimage to the city to do some city magic.

City witchcraft: connecting with city spirits

Connecting with city spirits can boost our city witchcraft in many ways

Genius Loci: working with the spirit of place

Did you know that places often have their own spirits? Genius loci is a Latin term that translates to "guardian spirit of the place"

Embracing Beltane: A Season of Renewal and Celebration

Beltane heralds the arrival of the summer and celebrates the blossoming of life, fertility and renewal.

The Essential Guide to Intuitive Witchcraft

Intuitive witchcraft is all about letting your intuition guide your witchcraft practice. So, effectively, it can't be taught. However, if you are looking for a guide to help you create a meaningful and effective intuitive witchcraft practice, read on.

How to celebrate Ostara

Ostara iis one of the eight pagan Sabbats within the Wheel of the Year and is named after Eostre or Ostara, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and dawn, from whom the word "Easter" also derives.

5 Magical Full Moon Rituals and Spells

The full moon is the perfect time fr powerful magical work. Choose one or more of the following full moon rituals or spells to embrace the lunar cycles in your life

Working with the God Cernunnos

Cernunnos is a Celtic God associated with nature, fertility and the wild. Sometimes known as the 'lord of wild things’ he embodies the untamed forces of nature and the cyclical rhythms of life. The God Cernunnos is thought to have Gaulish origins and is often depicted with antlers, a symbol of the primal and mysterious aspects of the natural world.

Working with the God Hermes

The God Hermes rules over boundaries, transitions and communication and is a prominent figure in Greek mythology. As the messenger of the gods, he...

3 Magical Self Care Rituals

magical self care is an important part of a witch’s practice. If you take good care of your mind and body, you will have more physical and mental energy to channel into your magic.

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