Your portal into the magical world that exists within the hustle and bustle of city life.

Magical Practices


White Magic Spells: Practical Guides for Healing, Protection, and Prosperity

In this article, you will discover tried-and-true white magic spells and rituals, that have brought light and positivity to countless witches, and learn how to weave them into your magical practice.

Visualisation Techniques to Help you Achieve your Dreams and Goals

Visualisation is a scientifically backed practice that can bring your goals and dreams into reality. Visualisation can provide you with the clarity and focus to guide you towards both personal and professional success.

Litha: Celebrating the Summer Solstice

Discover how modern witches celebrate Litha, the summer solstice, blending ancient traditions of sun worship with contemporary practices. Explore rituals, spells, and the spiritual significance of this vibrant festival

Exploring Mythos and Logos: Balancing Rational and Symbolic ways of thinking

Using both mythos and logos, or rational and intuitive ways of thinking can help us make better decisions and find deeper meaning in life

Animism and witchcraft

Animism is the belief that natural entities, such as animals, plants, rocks, rivers and other natural phenomena, possess their own spirit and consciousness, and therefore deserve respect and reverence.

Dark Moon Spells and Rituals

In many spiritual practices, including witchcraft and other pagan traditions, the Dark Moon is considered a powerful time for introspection and inner work.

Embracing Beltane: A Season of Renewal and Celebration

Beltane heralds the arrival of the summer and celebrates the blossoming of life, fertility and renewal.

The Essential Guide to Intuitive Witchcraft

Intuitive witchcraft is all about letting your intuition guide your witchcraft practice. So, effectively, it can't be taught. However, if you are looking for a guide to help you create a meaningful and effective intuitive witchcraft practice, read on.

How to celebrate Ostara

Ostara iis one of the eight pagan Sabbats within the Wheel of the Year and is named after Eostre or Ostara, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and dawn, from whom the word "Easter" also derives.

5 Magical Full Moon Rituals and Spells

The full moon is the perfect time fr powerful magical work. Choose one or more of the following full moon rituals or spells to embrace the lunar cycles in your life

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7 Powerful Quick Spells and Rituals for City Witches

Here are seven quick and easy spells and rituals designed for the urban green witch on the go.

Green Witchcraft in the City: Urban Practices for the Modern Green Witch

In the bustling heart of our concrete jungles, where skyscrapers tower and traffic hums, you might think it impossible to practice green witchcraft. But...

White Magic Spells: Practical Guides for Healing, Protection, and Prosperity

In this article, you will discover tried-and-true white magic spells and rituals, that have brought light and positivity to countless witches, and learn how to weave them into your magical practice.