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4 Powerful Moon Spells and Rituals


Moon magic works by aligning our magical intentions with the specific phases of the moon. Each phase has its unique energy and symbolic meaning, making certain times more conducive to particular types of moon spells and rituals.

Why do witches use moon magic?

The practice of moon magic is deeply connected to the rhythms of nature and the universe. The moon exerts a significant influence on Earth, most notably through its gravitational pull that governs the tides, creating a rhythmic ebb and flow that affects all life. Because it is associated with the tides and the element of water, the moon is often linked with emotions. The moon’s phases also influence the reproductive cycles of numerous species, which is why the moon is often associated with fertility and the menstrual cycle.

The moon phases also mirror the cyclical nature of life: birth, growth, decay and renewal. By aligning our practices with the lunar cycle, we feel more in tune with natural forces and this enhances our magical work. Each moon phase has its own unique energy and symbolic meaning, making certain times more conducive to particular types of moon spells and rituals. Working with these cycles, and crafting moon spells and rituals aligned with them, can help us harness these energies more effectively, resulting in more potent and meaningful magical work.

Moreover, moon magic is accessible and universal. The moon is a constant presence, visible to everyone around the world, making it a shared point of focus for magical practices. This universality adds to the moon’s power as a source of energy and inspiration for witches and Phases of the Moon

Phases of the Moon

The moon goes through a cycle that lasts about 29.5 days, known as a lunar month, during which it passes through various phases. These phases include the new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, last quarter and waning crescent. Each phase presents the moon in a different light (quite literally) and symbolizes an aspect of growth, decline and renewal. We can use these phases, aligning their energy with our intentions, for our moon spells and rituals.

New Moon: The Beginning of the Cycle

The New Moon marks the start of the lunar cycle. During this time, the moon is not visible in the night sky. This phase symbolizes new beginnings and is the ideal moment for setting intentions. It’s a period of potential, perfect for initiating new projects, making significant changes, or embarking on personal transformations. During the New Moon, witches often focus on cleansing rituals to clear away negative energy and prepare a clean slate. This phase invites us to reflect on what we truly wish desire to manifest in our lives.

Waxing Crescent: Building Foundations

Following the New Moon, the Waxing Crescent phase represents the initial steps toward manifesting those new beginnings. The sliver of moonlight in the sky symbolizes the first inklings of growth and the accumulation of resources needed for your intentions to flourish. Moon rituals and moon spells during this time focus on attraction and bringing new opportunities into your life. It’s an excellent phase for moon spells that draw things toward you—be it love, prosperity or success.

First Quarter: Taking Action

The First Quarter Moon, also known as the Half Moon, is a time of strength, determination and action. The energies of this phase are conducive to making decisions, overcoming obstacles and exerting the effort needed to push your intentions forward. Magic during this phase often involves moon spells for courage and motivation, helping to clear any resistance or challenges that arise. It’s a time for assertive rituals that empower you to take decisive steps towards your goals, emphasizing the importance of commitment and resilience.

Waxing Gibbous: Refinement and Adjustment

As the moon grows fuller, the Waxing Gibbous phase represents the period of refinement before reaching culmination. This phase is about analyzing the progress of your intentions, making necessary adjustments and focusing on the details. Moon spells and rituals are tailored towards improving existing conditions, enhancing efforts and making minor corrections to ensure the success of your endeavours. The Waxing Gibbous Moon is a reminder of the power of perseverance, encouraging us to stay the course and refine our strategies as needed.

Full Moon: The Peak of Power

The Full Moon is a time when magical energies are at their most potent. It’s a period of fulfilment, celebration and realization. The Full Moon’s bright illumination offers clarity and insight, making it an ideal time for divination, healing and protection spells. It’s also a powerful moment for charging magical tools and conducting rituals that honour our achievements. This phase invites reflection on the journey so far, recognizing the fruition of our efforts and celebrating the progress made. The Full Moon’s energy amplifies all magical work, making it a versatile time for a wide range of moon rituals and moon spells.

Waning Gibbous: Giving Thanks and Sharing Wisdom

After the peak of the Full Moon, the Waning Gibbous phase invites a shift towards gratitude and introspection. This time is about acknowledging the blessings in our lives and sharing our achievements with others. Moon spells and moon rituals focus on giving thanks, understanding the lessons learned and offering wisdom gained from our experiences. The Waning Gibbous Moon encourages a generous spirit, reminding us of the importance of community and support in our magical practices and personal growth.

Last Quarter: Release and Letting Go

The Last Quarter moon, with its half illumination, signals a time to release and let go of what no longer serves our highest good. This phase is conducive to banishing negative energies, habits, or relationships that hinder our growth. Moon spells during this time often involve cleansing spaces, detoxifying the spirit and cutting cords with the past. The Last Quarter Moon emphasizes the necessity of forgiveness and release, preparing us for the renewal that the next New Moon brings.

Waning Crescent: Rest and Preparation

Concluding the lunar cycle, the Waning Crescent phase is a period of rest, reflection and preparation for the cycle to begin anew. This time is about surrendering to the natural flow of life, allowing ourselves to rest and recuperate before the next New Moon. Moon spells and moon rituals are gentle and restorative, focusing on self-care, meditation and tying up loose ends. The Waning Crescent Moon encourages us to take stock of our journey, rest in the quiet before the storm of activity that the New Moon will bring, and prepare ourselves mentally, physically and spiritually for the next cycle.

In addition to the above moon phases, many witches also work with the Dark Moon. The Dark Moon refers to the phase in the lunar cycle when the Moon is not visible in the night sky, occurring just before the New Moon. This phase marks the end of one lunar cycle and the transition to the beginning of a new one.

The Dark Moon

The Dark Moon is often associated with a time of introspection, reflection, and the preparation for new beginnings. It’s considered a powerful moment for releasing what no longer serves you, contemplating life’s deeper questions, and setting intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle. In various spiritual and magical practices, the Dark Moon is seen as a period for deep, inner work, letting go of past burdens, and making space for new growth and opportunities. This phase of the moon invites individuals to turn inward, embrace the quiet and stillness it brings, and prepare for the renewal that follows with the arrival of the New Moon.

A Moon ritual to connect with lunar energies

The following is a simple moon ritual designed to help you connect with lunar energy. This ritual can be performed during any phase of the moon, but you might like to tailor it slightly, depending on the specific energies of the lunar phase you’re working with. Feel free to adapt it to suit your practice.

What you need

  • A small bowl of water (to symbolize the moon’s influence on water and tides)
  • A white candle or LED candle (representing lunar energy)
  • Incense or essential oils (optional, lavender or jasmine are good choices for their calming properties)
  • A piece of moonstone, selenite or clear quartz (optional, for enhancing connection to lunar energy)
  • Pen and paper (for setting intentions or reflections)

What to do

For this ritual, find a quiet, comfortable space where you can see the moon or feel its presence. This could be outdoors under the night sky or near a window if you’re indoors. Cleanse your space and yourself using the incense, essential oils, clapping your hands to break up negative energy, or by imagining a white light filling the space around you. Place the bowl of water in front of you, set the candle next to it, and if you’re using a crystal, place it beside the bowl.

Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths. Close your eyes and visualize the moon’s rays bathing you in a gentle, silver light. Feel its serene energy calming your mind and spirit.

As you light the white candle, focus on the flame and imagine it as a beacon, calling forth the lunar energy. Say aloud or in your mind, “I open my heart and spirit to the moon’s ancient wisdom and energy.”

Gently place your hands over the bowl of water. Visualize the moonlight infusing the water with its energy. If you wish, you can softly chant, “Divine moon please guide me through the month ahead. As the tides ebb and flow, so too do the energies within me.”

When you are ready, write down any intentions you wish to manifest with the moon’s help or reflect on your current feelings and thoughts. How does the moon’s phase affect you? What do you wish to release or attract? Fold the paper and hold it between your hands, channelling the moon’s energy into your intentions or reflections.

Close the ritual by expressing gratitude to the moon for its guidance and energy. You might say, “Thank you, moon, for your light, your energy and your wisdom. May the connection we’ve forged tonight grow and deepen with each phase you pass through.” Blow out the candle to signify the end of the ritual.

You can leave the bowl of water outside overnight to further charge with lunar energy or place it on a windowsill where the moonlight can reach it. The next day, you can use the moon water for cleansing, in other moon spells or moon rituals, or simply pour it into the earth as an offering.

Moon Spells

The following moon spells offer an introduction to using the phases of the moon in your magical practice. Of course, feel free to adapt these spells according to your own needs, beliefs and practice.

A New Moon Spell to manifest your goals

The New Moon is a powerful time for setting intentions, starting fresh, and planting the seeds for new beginnings. This simple new moon spell uses the symbolism of planting seeds to help you manifest your goals, dreams and desires.

I often do this spell with cress seeds as they are easily available and can be grown on a windowsill, but you can use any seeds you like. Basil seeds work well for prosperity – or for a longer-term manifestation that is also aligned with the sun’s energy, consider planting sunflower seeds in your garden. If you don’t have a black or blue candle, a white one is also fine. If you are unable to burn candles then an LED candle will also work.

What you need

  • A quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed
  • A black or dark blue candle (to represent the New Moon and the potential within darkness)
  • A piece of paper and a pen (for writing down your intentions)
  • A small pot of soil or seed compost (symbolizing grounding and growth)
  • Seeds of a plant or flower (to represent your intentions growing into reality)
  • A small jug of water or plant mister (to nourish your intentions)

What to do

Begin by cleansing your space and yourself to clear away any residual energies. You can use incense, sound or simply visualize a cleansing light enveloping the room and yourself. Ensure your materials are arranged neatly in front of you. Spend some time quietly meditating or journaling to help you get clear on your intentions and desires.

When you are ready, light the candle, focusing on the flame. Allow your eyes to relax as you gaze into it, letting its calm, steady light represent the unseen energies and potential of the New Moon. Say aloud, “Under this New Moon, I welcome new beginnings and fresh starts.”

Take a moment to reflect on what you wish to manifest in the coming lunar cycle. What are your deepest desires? What new beginnings are you seeking? Write these intentions down on your piece of paper, being as specific as possible. When you’re finished, fold the paper once, placing it under the pot of soil.

As you plant the seeds in the soil, visualize your intentions being planted and beginning to grow. Each seed is a physical representation of your desires coming to life. As you cover them with soil, say, “As these seeds take root and grow, so too will my intentions manifest and flourish.”

Gently water the seeds, imagining this act as nourishing your desires. Say, “With water and care, I nourish my intentions, allowing them to sprout and thrive under the moon’s watchful eye.”

Sit with your planted seeds for a few moments, meditating on your intentions and visualizing them coming to fruition. When you feel ready, conclude the spell by saying, “Under the New Moon’s darkness, I plant these seeds of intention. May they grow with strength and clarity. So mote it be.”

Place the pot in a spot where it will receive adequate sunlight and remember to water it regularly. As your plant grows, so too will the energy of your intentions. This act of care symbolizes your commitment to nurturing your desires and watching them manifest in your life.

Full Moon Spell to Release Self-Doubt

This cleansing moon ritual can help you let go of self-doubt and limiting beliefs. You can use dried or fresh herbs bought from the supermarket instead of essential oils. If you do not have access to natural water, you can use filtered water or bottled spring water.

What you need

  • A small bowl of natural water (preferably spring water or collected rainwater)
  • Sea salt or Himalayan pink salt (representing purification and protection)
  • Essential oils or herbs associated with clarity and confidence (such as rosemary, sage, bergamot or frankincense)
  • A piece of tissue and a pen

What to do

If possible, perform this ritual outside under the full moon or near a window where the moonlight can reach you. Failing this, you can sit and reflect on an image or symbol of the moon or a moonstone crystal.

Begin by grounding yourself. Take deep, calming breaths and visualize yourself connecting with the earth below and the moon above.

Sprinkle a generous amount of sea salt into your water. Add a few drops of your chosen essential oil or a sprinkling of herbs to the water, infusing it with properties that promote confidence and clarity.

On the piece of tissue write down the aspects of self-doubt you wish to release. Be specific about the feelings or thoughts you’re ready to let go of under the full moon’s light. (Don’t worry if it is not legible as this is a symbolic act)

Take the piece of tissue and place it in the bowl of water. As the paper absorbs the water, visualize the words (your doubts) dissolving away, cleansed by the water and the salt.

Holding the bowl, speak an affirmation of release, such as, “Under the full moon’s light, I cleanse myself of these doubts. I embrace my strength, my clarity and my confidence. What once held me back now dissolves away.”

Once you are finished, you can flush the salty water and the tissue down the toilet removing your self-doubt and insecurities and washing them far away. If you can’t flush your water and tissue, take the soggy paper and bury it somewhere far from your home.

Spend a few moments in quiet reflection under the moon, feeling the lightness of having released your self-doubt. Thank the moon and the natural elements for their support in your cleansing ritual.

Moon Goddesses and Gods

moon goddess
Photo by Mamun Srizon on Unsplash

The universal fascination with the moon is echoed in the many mythologies which feature lunar goddesses. Lunar goddesses often embody the power, mystery and influence of the moon. These deities represent aspects of the lunar cycle, such as fertility, the cycles of life, emotions, intuition and transformation. I am not an authority on lunar gods and goddesses having only worked with Hecate and Selene personally. However, here are some notable lunar goddesses from different cultures should you wish to explore them further.

Selene (Greek Mythology)

Selene is the personification of the moon itself in Greek mythology. Known for her endless beauty and chariot that pulls the moon across the night sky, Selene represents the full moon’s luminosity and its effects on the Earth, such as the tides and the growth of plants.

Artemis (Greek Mythology)

Artemis is the goddess of the hunt, wilderness, childbirth and virginity. She is often associated with the moon and depicted with a crescent moon on her brow, signifying her role as a protector and nurturer.

Chang’e (Chinese Mythology)

Chang’e is the Chinese goddess of the moon. Her tale is one of tragedy and love, involving her ascent to the moon after consuming an elixir of immortality. She is celebrated during the Mid-Autumn Festival, where mooncakes are eaten in her honour.

Hecate (Greek Mythology)

Hecate is a goddess of magic, crossroads ghosts and the moon. She is associated with the waning and dark phases of the moon, reflecting her connection to the underworld and the hidden aspects of life. Deipnon is an ancient Greek ritual feast held during the dark moon phase to honour Hecate. It involves the offering of food to appease wandering spirits and cleanse the household of negative energies.

Luna (Roman Mythology)

Luna is the Roman goddess of the moon, equivalent to the Greek goddess Selene. She is depicted as driving a chariot across the night sky and is considered to oversee the fertility of the earth and women.

Tsukuyomi (Japanese Mythology)

Tsukuyomi, or Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto, is the moon god in Shinto and Japanese mythology. According to myth, he was born from the right eye of the primordial deity Izanagi. Tsukuyomi’s tale includes how he upset the sun goddess Amaterasu, leading to the separation of night and day.

Coyolxauhqui (Aztec Mythology)

Coyolxauhqui is the Aztec goddess of the moon. According to Aztec mythology, she was defeated by her brother, the sun god Huitzilopochtli, symbolizing the daily battle between the moon and the sun. Her image is famously represented in a massive stone disk found at the Templo Mayor in Mexico City.

Mani (Norse Mythology)

Mani is the god of the moon who drives the moon chariot across the sky. He is the brother of Sol, the sun goddess, and his chariot is chased by a wolf, reflecting the constant pursuit of the moon and sun across the heavens.

These lunar deities, each with their unique stories and attributes, highlight the moon’s universal significance across cultures and eras. They embody the diverse ways humans have personified the moon’s magic, drawing connections between celestial motion and earthly experiences.

Celtic moon goddesses

In Celtic mythology, the moon and its phases held significant importance and were often associated with femininity, mystery and the cyclical nature of life. However, the Celts did not have a single, universally recognized goddess of the moon in the same way as the Greeks had Selene or the Romans had Luna. Celtic deities tended to be closely tied to nature, the land and specific aspects of life rather than embodying the celestial bodies directly.

That said, there are deities and figures within Celtic mythology who have lunar associations or are linked to themes that resonate with lunar symbolism, such as cycles, water, fertility, and magic.


Cerridwen, Goddess of transformation, inspiration and the keeper of the cauldron of knowledge, possesses qualities that are often associated with the moon. Though not explicitly described as a moon goddess, her cauldron, a symbol of rebirth and transformation, can be linked to the renewing phases of the moon.


Arianrhod’s domain includes the cosmos and the starry sky, and her name means “Silver Wheel,” a term that can evoke imagery of the moon. While primarily associated with the stars and fate, the circular symbolism may suggest a broader celestial connection, including to the moon.

The Morrigan

Known as a goddess of war, fate and sovereignty, The Morrigan is sometimes associated with the moon, particularly through her connection to the night, magic and the unseen.

The lack of a singular “moon goddess” in Celtic mythology does not diminish the moon’s importance within the culture; rather, it highlights the Celts’ view of divinity as immanent within the natural world, with celestial bodies influencing various aspects of life and spirituality.

Moon Ritual to Honour Selene, Goddess of the Moon

What you need

  • A silver or white candle (to represent the moonlight)
  • A small bowl of water (symbolizing the moon’s control over the tides)
  • Moonstone or selenite crystals (to connect with Selene’s energy)
  • An image or symbol of Selene or the moon (optional)
  • Incense such as jasmine or moonflower (optional)

What to do

Choose a time at night when you can see the moon, preferably when it is full, to strengthen the connection. Cleanse your space and yourself with incense, sound or visualisation, setting a sacred and peaceful atmosphere.

Begin by lighting the silver or white candle, focusing on the flame as a beacon of Selene’s presence. As you light the candle, you might say, “Selene, goddess of the moon’s glow, I invite your light and wisdom into this space.”

Stand or sit comfortably, holding the image or symbol of Selene or the moon if you have one, and invite Selene into your ritual. You may say something like, “Selene, luminous and eternal, guide me with your gentle light. Illuminate my path and bless me with your insight.”

Place your hands over the bowl of water, envisioning the moon’s reflection on its surface. Imagine Selene’s energy flowing through the water, symbolizing her connection to the tides and the fluidity of intuition. Whisper your desires and hopes into the water, asking Selene to bless them.

If you’re using moonstone or selenite crystals, hold them in your hands and visualize them glowing with moonlight. Say, “By Selene’s grace, may these stones be charged with lunar light, bringing clarity, protection and connection to the divine.”

Spend some time in quiet meditation, basking in the candlelight and the imagined glow of the moon. Reflect on the qualities of the moon—its cycles of change, its calm presence and its silent power. Consider how these qualities mirror aspects of your own life and how you can embody the serene strength of the moon.

As you conclude the moon ritual, offer thanks to Selene for her presence and blessings. You might say, “Thank you, Selene, for your guiding light and protection. May your glow illuminate the darkness and guide me in my journey.”

Extinguish the candle safely, and if possible, leave the bowl of water outside overnight to absorb the moon’s energy. You can use this moon-blessed water in future moon rituals, to cleanse your crystals, or to water plants as an offering.

This moon ritual for Selene can be modified according to your personal preferences and the lunar phase. Performing it regularly can deepen your connection to the lunar cycles and Selene’s ancient wisdom, enhancing your spiritual practice with the moon’s transformative energy.

In summary, the moon’s cycle is not just a celestial event; it’s a rhythm that influences the flow of energy in our lives. By understanding and aligning with these phases, we can navigate life more harmoniously, tapping into the moon’s power to create moon spells and rituals to help manifest our desires and achieve a deeper connection with the natural world.

I hope you have enjoyed this guide to moon magic and the moon spells and rituals featured. If you have tried any of these or have ways you work with the moon, please share with us in the comments below


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Eva May Baker
Eva May Baker
Hello, and welcome to The City Witch, your portal into the magical world that exists within the hustle and bustle of city life. My name is Eva Baker and I am an urban folk witch, author and your guide on this magical journey.


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