Your portal into the magical world that exists within the hustle and bustle of city life.

7 Powerful Quick Spells and Rituals for City Witches

Here are seven quick and easy spells and rituals designed for the urban green witch on the go.

Green Witchcraft in the City: Urban Practices for the Modern Green Witch

In the bustling heart of our concrete jungles, where skyscrapers tower and traffic hums, you might think it impossible to practice green witchcraft. But...

White Magic Spells: Practical Guides for Healing, Protection, and Prosperity

In this article, you will discover tried-and-true white magic spells and rituals, that have brought light and positivity to countless witches, and learn how to weave them into your magical practice.

Apartment Spells

White Magic Spells: Practical Guides for Healing, Protection, and Prosperity

In this article, you will discover tried-and-true white magic spells and rituals, that have brought light and positivity to countless witches, and learn how to weave them into your magical practice.

Unlock Your Potential: 3 Powerful Success Spells to Transform Your Life Today

Discover powerful success spells designed to attract prosperity, clear limitations and transform your life. Embrace the magic within and watch your dreams come true.

The Witches Broom Closet: Simple Practices for Secret Witches

The following magic spells are simple, but powerful and are created to ensure that if anyone saw you doing them, they would have no idea you are a in the witches broom closet.

Sigil magic: how to create, charge and activate sigils

The simplicity and accessibility of sigil magic make it a popular choice for modern practitioners, especially for those who may be limited by space, resources, or the need for secrecy in their practice. 

How to create manifestation spells that really work

Here's how to make personalised manifestation spells that are super powerful.

Urban witch: Using city energy to supercharge your magic

As urban witches, we can tap into the energy of the city and channel it into our magic.

Urban witch: Using city energy to supercharge your magic

As urban witches, we can tap into the energy of the city and channel it into our magic.

7 Powerful Quick Spells and Rituals for City Witches

Here are seven quick and easy spells and rituals designed for the urban green witch on the go.

5 Ways to cultivate a mindfulness practice in the city

Discover the transformative power of mindfulness practice in the midst of bustling city living. Cultivate inner peace and resilience while navigating the demands of city life. Join us on a journey to mindfulness amidst the vibrancy of the Urban landscape

City witchcraft: connecting with city spirits

Connecting with city spirits can boost our city witchcraft in many ways

White Magic Spells: Practical Guides for Healing, Protection, and Prosperity

In this article, you will discover tried-and-true white magic spells and rituals, that have brought light and positivity to countless witches, and learn how to weave them into your magical practice.

Visualisation Techniques to Help you Achieve your Dreams and Goals

Visualisation is a scientifically backed practice that can bring your goals and dreams into reality. Visualisation can provide you with the clarity and focus to guide you towards both personal and professional success.

Litha: Celebrating the Summer Solstice

Discover how modern witches celebrate Litha, the summer solstice, blending ancient traditions of sun worship with contemporary practices. Explore rituals, spells, and the spiritual significance of this vibrant festival

Exploring Mythos and Logos: Balancing Rational and Symbolic ways of thinking

Using both mythos and logos, or rational and intuitive ways of thinking can help us make better decisions and find deeper meaning in life

Working with Brigid: Celtic Goddess of inspiration and the home

Brigid is a Celtic goddess who represents various aspects of life and spirituality including poetry, healing and craftsmanship. Many witches and pagans are drawn...

Working with the God Cernunnos

Cernunnos is a Celtic God associated with nature, fertility and the wild. Sometimes known as the 'lord of wild things’ he embodies the untamed forces of nature and the cyclical rhythms of life. The God Cernunnos is thought to have Gaulish origins and is often depicted with antlers, a symbol of the primal and mysterious aspects of the natural world.

Minerva: Honouring the Goddess of Wisdom, Art and Owls

Honouring the Roman goddess of wisdom, arts, and warfare, can be both a personal and communal experience. Here are some ways to honour her in modern times, reflecting her diverse domains:

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