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White Magic Spells: Practical Guides for Healing, Protection, and Prosperity


In this article, we explore the art of white magic spells, providing practical guides for incorporating these benevolent practices into your craft. Discover tried-and-true spells and rituals that have brought light and positivity to countless witches, and learn how to weave them into your magical practice.

I started my practice in white magic when I was a teenager. My magical practice has expanded over time to include more diverse and nuanced practices, but white magic is still the biggest part of my practice. I use it almost every day in some way to keep myself balanced, healthy and in tune with my intuition and divine energies.

I believe white magic spells are the perfect way to start a witchcraft practice because, so long as your intentions are pure, the outcome is always positive in some way even if not exactly as you intended! White magic can change your life for the better. This powerful magic has helped me achieve healing in all areas of my life, helping me overcome blocks and obstacles and helping me to achieve love, happiness and success in my life.

This article provides practical guidance on the art of white magic spells, focusing on healing, protection and prosperity. By exploring diverse traditions and offering step-by-step instructions, I aim to equip you with the knowledge and tools to integrate these practices into your own magical work.

What is White Magic

White magic, often referred to as the practice of benevolent or positive magic, focuses on harnessing natural energies to promote healing, protection and prosperity. Unlike other forms of magic that might manipulate or control, white magic operates on the principle of harm none, aiming to bring about positive outcomes without infringing on the free will of others.

Practitioners of white magic use their skills and knowledge to create spells and rituals that foster wellness, safety and abundance, drawing from a deep respect for nature and the interconnectedness of all life. This form of magic is characterised by the pure intent behind each spell, and emphasises the importance of using one’s abilities for the greater good.

White Magic in Different Traditions

Ancient Egyptian Magic

Ancient Egypt was a civilisation deeply rooted in spiritual and magical practices. White magic in Ancient Egypt frequently involved healing and protection spells, often using symbols, amulets and incantations. Egyptians believed in the power of words and symbols to invoke the gods’ favour and protect against harm. For instance, amulets bearing the Eye of Horus were used to ward off evil and bring good health.

Folk Magic

European folk magic encompasses a wide range of practices developed over centuries in rural communities. These traditions often involved the use of herbs, charms and simple rituals to promote well-being and protect against misfortune. A common example is the use of a protective charm, such as a sprig of rosemary or a piece of iron, to safeguard a home from negative influences. Healing rituals frequently included herbal remedies and blessings to restore health and vitality.

Hoodoo and Rootwork

Hoodoo, also known as rootwork, is an African American tradition that blends African, Native American and European influences. It is a practical system of magic focused on improving the practitioner’s life and those around them. White magic within Hoodoo includes the creation of mojo bags filled with herbs, roots and other items believed to attract good luck, protection and love. Rootworkers may also perform rituals to cleanse negative energies and bring about positive changes.

By understanding these varied approaches, we can draw inspiration and techniques from a rich cultural heritage.

Key Elements of White Magic Spells

Common Ingredients and Tools

White magic spells often use natural ingredients and tools, which have practical and symbolic meaning and purpose. Herbs like lavender, rosemary and sage are frequently used for their healing and protective properties. Crystals such as clear quartz and amethyst are valued for their ability to amplify intentions and energy. Candles in various colours are chosen based on the specific outcomes desired; for example, green candles for prosperity or white candles for purification. Selecting the right ingredients for your spell involves understanding their inherent properties and how they align with your intentions.

Creating a Sacred Space

Preparing a sacred space is essential for effective spellcasting. This involves setting up an area where you can focus your energy and intentions without distractions. An altar is often used, decorated with items that hold personal significance, such as candles, crystals and sacred symbols. Cleansing the space with incense, a bell or singing bowl, or a spray of moon water helps to remove any negative energies. By creating a dedicated area for your magical work, you establish a powerful environment that enhances the effectiveness of your spells.

Invocation and Chanting

Words hold significant power in white magic and invoking specific deities, spirits, or energies can greatly enhance a spell’s potency. Chants, incantations and prayers are used to focus the mind and direct energy towards the desired outcome. Simple invocations might include calling upon the elements – earth, air, fire and water – or appealing to a higher power for guidance and assistance. Repetition of these words can create a meditative state, amplifying the intention behind the spell and ensuring that the energy is directed purposefully.

By carefully selecting ingredients, creating a sacred space, and using powerful invocations, we can maximise the effectiveness of our spells and bring about positive changes in our lives and the lives of others.

Examples of White Magic Spells

Healing Spells

Healing spells in white magic aim to restore physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. These spells often involve the use of candles, herbs and crystals known for their healing properties. For example, a basic healing spell might include lighting a blue or white candle, surrounding it with lavender and rosemary, and then visualising the person in need of healing enveloped in a warm, golden light. You might chant a simple affirmation, such as “Healing light, shining bright, restore health with all your might.”

Protection Spells

Protection spells are designed to shield individuals, homes or belongings from negative energies and harm. One common protection spell involves using salt and crystals. To create a protective barrier, sprinkle a circle of salt around the area you wish to protect, placing black tourmaline or obsidian crystals at each cardinal point. Light a white candle in the centre and recite a protective incantation, such as “Guardians of light, protect this place, shield us with your eternal grace.”

For personal protection, you might like to create a protective charm or amulet. Begin by choosing a small pouch made of natural material, such as cotton or leather. Fill the pouch with protective herbs like rosemary, thyme and bay leaves, along with a small piece of black tourmaline or amethyst. Add a pinch of salt for purification and a tiny mirror or shiny coin, to reflect negative energies away from you.

Close the pouch and hold it in your hands, visualising a protective shield forming around you. As you do this, recite an incantation such as, “By herbs and stone, by salt and mirror, protect me now from all that’s bitter.” Carry the charm with you or place it near your bed for ongoing protection.

Prosperity Spells

Prosperity spells focus on attracting abundance and positive energy. These spells often involve green candles, coins and herbs such as basil or cinnamon. A simple prosperity spell might include placing a green candle on your altar, surrounded by coins and basil leaves. As you light the candle, visualise abundance flowing into your life and chant, “Wealth and fortune, come to me, as I will, so mote it be.” This spell can be repeated regularly to maintain its effect.

Love and Friendship Spells

Love and friendship spells aim to enhance relationships and attract positive connections. One example is a spell to attract love using rose petals and honey. Begin by placing pink or red rose petals in a small jar and covering them with honey. Seal the jar and hold it close to your heart, visualising the type of loving relationship you desire. Chant softly, “Sweet as honey, strong as rose, love and friendship, now disclose.” Keep the jar on your altar or in a safe place as a symbol of your intention.

These examples provide a glimpse into the practical applications of white magic spells. By following these guidelines and infusing each spell with clear intent and positive energy, we can effectively harness the power of white magic to bring healing, protection, prosperity and love into our lives.

Ethical Considerations

Respect for Free Will

In the practice of white magic, practitioners often uphold the principle of respecting free will as a foundational ethical guideline. It’s essential to consider the potential impact of spells on others’ autonomy and choices. White magic spells aim to influence circumstances positively, we should refrain from manipulating individuals against their own will. Instead, focus on spells that empower individuals to make decisions that align with their highest good and well-being.

Cultural Sensitivity

White magic draws inspiration from diverse cultural traditions worldwide. We should approach these traditions with sensitivity and respect for their cultural origins. When incorporating spells from different cultures, take time to learn about their historical context and significance. Honour the traditions and beliefs associated with these practices, ensuring that your use of them is done with reverence and without appropriation. By embracing cultural diversity and understanding, we can enrich our practice and contribute to a more inclusive magical community.

Embracing these nuanced ethical considerations allows each witch to develop their own ethical framework aligned with their personal values and beliefs. This approach encourages a thoughtful and conscientious practice of white magic, empowering us to wield their skills responsibly and ethically in our magical journeys.

Healing Spell

This spell is designed to promote healing and well-being for yourself or someone who is in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing.

What you Need

  • A blue or white candle (representing healing and purity)
  • Lavender and rosemary herbs (known for their healing properties)
  • A small piece of clear quartz crystal (to amplify the healing energy)

What to do

Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Set up your altar or a dedicated area for your spell work. Cleanse your space with incense, a bell or singing bowl, a spray of moon water or simply by clapping your hands.

Sit quietly and centre yourself. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to clear your mind. Visualise the person you wish to heal, or if it’s for yourself, focus on your own well-being.

Place the candle in the centre of your altar. Surround it with lavender and rosemary herbs. Place the clear quartz crystal near the candle to amplify the healing energy.

Hold your hands over the items on your altar and imagine a warm, healing light surrounding them. Call upon any deities, spirits, or energies you work with, or simply ask the universe for healing energy to flow through your spell.

Light the candle and as you do so, say aloud or in your mind:

“Candle of blue (or white), bring healing light,

To [name of person or yourself], restore their (my) health tonight.

Visualise the person glowing with health and vitality. Imagine any pain or illness dissipating, replaced by a sense of peace and well-being. Hold this image in your mind for a few moments, sending healing energy towards the person or yourself.

When you feel ready, thank the energies and entities you called upon for their assistance. Blow out the candle to seal the spell, visualising the healing energy spreading and taking effect.

Leave the altar set up for a while to allow the healing energy to continue working. You may repeat this spell as often as necessary.


As you embark on your exploration of white magic, I encourage you to approach it with an open heart and a respectful mindset. Honour the traditions from which these practices originate, and embrace the diversity of perspectives within the magical community. Let your magical journey be guided by kindness, compassion, and a genuine desire to create positive change.



  • Illes, Judika. The Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells. HarperOne, 2004.
  • Alexander, Skye. The Modern Guide to Witchcraft: Your Complete Guide to Witches, Covens, and Spells. Adams Media, 2014.
  • Cunningham, Scott. Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. Llewellyn Publications, 1985.
  • Assmann, Jan. The Search for God in Ancient Egypt. Cornell University Press, 2001.
  • Wilkinson, Richard H. The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt. Thames & Hudson, 2003.
  • Yronwode, Catherine. Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic: A Materia Magica of African-American Conjure. Lucky Mojo Curio Company, 2002.
  • Eoghan, Ballard. Hoodoo and Conjure: New Orleans. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013.
  • Hurston, Zora Neale. Mules and Men. Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 2008.


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Eva May Baker
Eva May Baker
Hello, and welcome to The City Witch, your portal into the magical world that exists within the hustle and bustle of city life. My name is Eva Baker and I am an urban folk witch, author and your guide on this magical journey.



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