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Inspiring yule traditions for pagans and witches


As winter’s chill descends and daylight wanes, it’s the perfect time to celebrate ancient Pagan Yule traditions and other winter celebrations that beckon us to reconnect with the rhythms of nature and celebrate the return of the sun and longer, brighter days. From the sacred celebrations of Yule to the boisterous revelry of Saturnalia and the Gaelic festivities of Grianstad, there are many traditions connected to the winter solstice.

In this post, we will trace the roots of practices that honour the celestial dance of the sun and the timeless cycle of nature. We will look at how we can celebrate winter festivals in a way that satisfies our spirit and connects us to our traditions and ancestors. We will focus on Yule traditions and discuss ways to celebrate the season including a candle spell for intentions and a celebration of the twelve days of Yule.

Why winter festivals were so important to our ancestors

Winter festivals made sense to our ancestors as they lived close to the land and understood their dependency on natural cycles. They would pay close attention to seasonal cycles and have good reason to celebrate the end of the darkest days and the ‘rebirth’ of the sun. These ancient people would sit up all night to see the sunrise on the winter solstice and, of course, they would need a fire to keep them warm through the long night, which is why fires and candles are such an important part of winter festival celebrations and Yule traditions.

Feasts are prominent in winter traditions too, and this is because, with grain stores getting low, animals often had to be slaughtered at this time of year as there was not enough food to sustain them.

In our modern world, we do not feel this anxiety around seasonal cycles as acutely. After all, we can ship food from faraway lands and store and freeze supplies to see us through the winter months. Nevertheless, we are of course still entirely dependent on nature to feed us, heat our homes and clothe us. Connecting to nature is not just about sustaining us physically, though. Yule traditions can help to revive and restore us spiritually and emotionally as well.

The history of Yule

While it is often believed that Yule is a Celtic tradition, it is actually an Old Norse celebration. Yule was a time to honour the god Odin and celebrate the rebirth of the sun during the winter solstice. Yule traditions originated among the Germanic and Norse peoples, and as these groups migrated and traded across Europe, they carried their traditions with them. This contributed to the spread of Yule customs to regions such as the British Isles, Scandinavia and parts of continental Europe.

The Vikings, known for their extensive exploration and trading activities, played a significant role in spreading Yule traditions to various parts of Europe. Their influence reached as far as the British Isles, Iceland and even into the Mediterranean.

In Irish, the winter solstice is called ‘Grianstad an Gheimhridh’. The word ‘Grianstad’ means ‘the sun stop’, as the sun appears to stop in the sky on the solstice, after which the days will start to become longer. You can find out more about Irish traditions for this time of year at the amazing SCOIL RINCE LUIMNI.

In contemporary times, Yule traditions have been embraced by various modern Pagan and Wiccan traditions as one of the eight Sabbats in their wheel of the year. It is celebrated as a time of renewal, reflection, and the rekindling of the inner light. Yule is associated with the winter solstice, which usually occurs around December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere (June 21st in the Southern Hemisphere). Many Yule traditions align with the solstice, emphasizing themes of light, rebirth, and the triumph of warmth over cold.

While Yule has undergone transformations over the centuries, its essence as a festival of light and celebration during the winter season continues to resonate in various cultural and spiritual practices today.

Yule is not the only Pagan festival that occurs in midwinter, Saturnalia was a joyous and festive ancient Roman festival held in honour of Saturn, the god of agriculture and harvest, typically taking place around the winter solstice in December. Lasting for about a week, from December 17th to 23rd, Saturnalia was characterized by a temporary overturning of social norms.

During this time, slaves were granted temporary freedom, and social hierarchies were set aside as people engaged in merriment, feasting, and gift-giving. Homes were adorned with greenery, and public squares echoed with laughter and revelry. The festival embodied the spirit of generosity and shared abundance, creating a brief but significant period of communal harmony and celebration in ancient Roman society. 

Yule traditions

Yule traditions have evolved over time and vary across cultures, but here are five main Yule traditions that have endured or been revived in different forms.

Yule log

The Yule log likely originated in Germanic and Norse pagan rituals as a symbol of the sun’s light and warmth during the darkest days of winter. The Yule log represents the rebirth of the sun, and burning it is a way to welcome the return of longer days and increasing sunlight after the winter solstice.

The Yule log was often decorated with greenery, ribbons, and sometimes even sprinkled with libations or grains. In some cultures, specific markings or carvings were made on the log to represent various symbols, deities, or wishes for the coming year.

The Yule log was traditionally burned throughout the night, and sometimes for several days, depending on local customs. The length of the burning varied, but it was generally intended to last until the morning to ensure the symbolic victory of light over darkness. The ashes may have been kept in the house for protection or sprinkled on the land to protect the coming year’s crops. 

The tradition of burning a Yule log is still common in various cultures and often, in modern times, a cake is made in the shape of a Yule log and decorated with holly.

Feasting and wassailing

Feasting and wassailing are integral components of Yule traditions, fostering a sense of communal joy and abundance. The Yule season traditionally involves elaborate feasts featuring hearty dishes, symbolizing the bounty of the harvest and the warmth of shared company during the cold winter months.

Wassailing, a festive drinking custom, often includes toasting to health and prosperity. Rooted in medieval English traditions, wassailers would visit neighbours, singing carols and offering warm spiced drinks like mulled cider to ensure good fortune and a fruitful orchard in the coming year. These traditions emphasize the importance of coming together, expressing goodwill, and celebrating the interconnectedness of communities during the Yule season.

Evergreen decorations

Evergreen plants, such as holly, ivy, mistletoe and evergreen trees symbolize life and renewal during the winter months. The use of evergreens dates back to ancient pagan customs where these plants, which remain vibrant and green throughout winter, represented the continuity of life and the triumph of nature’s resilience.

The tradition of decorating with evergreens gained additional prominence during the Victorian era when the Christmas tree became a central element of holiday celebrations. Decorating homes with evergreens is one of the most popular Yule traditions that has found its way into modern Christmas celebrations, and it’s believed that the greenery helps ward off evil spirits and represents the continuity of life. In some cultures, it is also believed that bringing greenery indoors provides a home for spirits in the darkest winter days.


The practice of giving and receiving gifts during the Yule season has roots in both Norse and Roman traditions. The Norse god Odin, associated with Yule, was said to bring gifts, and the Roman festival of Saturnalia, which coincided with the winter solstice, involved gift exchanges. Today, the tradition of giving gifts during the holiday season remains a central aspect of Yule and Christmas celebrations.

Candlelight rituals

Yule is a celebration of light, and candlelight plays a significant role in many Yule traditions. Lighting candles symbolises the return of the sun and the triumph of light over darkness. Some modern practitioners of Pagan and Wiccan traditions incorporate candlelight rituals into their Yule celebrations, where candles are lit to represent various aspects of the season, such as hope, warmth and spiritual awakening.

These Yule traditions, rooted in history and folklore, contribute to the rich tapestry of winter celebrations. While practices may vary, the common thread among these traditions is the celebration of light, warmth, and the hope for renewal during the winter season.

Yule Rituals for Witches and Wiccans

Wiccans and witches often celebrate Yule as one of the eight Sabbats in their Wheel of the Year. Here are some ways for Wiccans and witches to celebrate Yule.

Yule correspondences

You may like to incorporate Yule correspondences into your rituals, altar and spellwork. Yule colours include red, gold and green. Red signifies fire and the hearth while Gold is used to represent the strengthening and returning sun during Yule celebrations. Green symbolizes the continuity of life during the winter. You can also use red gold and green crystals in your work. Herbs and incense associated with Yule include pine, cedar, cinnamon and frankincense.

Decorate a Yule altar

Decorate your altar with symbols of Yule, such as evergreen branches, holly, candles (especially gold and red) and representations of the sun. If you cant use candles, consider decorating with Christmas lights or LED candles instead

Create a Sun Ritual

Create a ritual to honour the return of the sun, focusing on the themes of light, warmth, and the turning of the wheel. You may like to include candles or other symbols of fire for this fire festival. If you would like an example of a ritual to follow see the candle spell at the end of this post.

Perform a Renewal Spell

Perform spells focused on renewal, personal growth, and manifesting positive changes for the upcoming year. You can create this spell in any way you choose using candles, jar spells, sachets, sigils or whatever you use in your witchcraft practice


Use divination tools, such as tarot cards, scrying or runes, to gain insights into the coming year. take some time to light candles or twinkle lights and meditate to tune into your chosen divination practice.

Yule candles

Light candles to represent the increasing light and warmth. Focus on specific intentions as you light each candle. You could consider lighting a lamp of LED candle in your window. The tradition of placing a lit candle in the window during Yule symbolizes the welcoming of positive energy, warmth, and spiritual enlightenment associated with light. This tradition also offers guidance to travellers navigating dark winter nights, serving as a beacon of welcome during festive times. Additionally, the candle becomes a symbol of the hearth and home, visually representing the heart of domestic warmth and hospitality, embracing the idea of opening one’s home to friends, family, and even strangers throughout the holiday season.

Feasting and Sharing

Prepare a special feast with seasonal and locally sourced foods. Consider incorporating traditional dishes associated with Yule. Traditional Yule dishes vary across cultures, but many share a focus on hearty and seasonal ingredients. In Northern European traditions, roast meats like ham or turkey are common, often accompanied by flavorful gravies and root vegetables such as roasted potatoes and carrots. Additionally, spiced and sweet treats like gingerbread cookies, fruitcakes and mulled wines are popular, infusing the festivities with the comforting aromas of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. In Scandinavian regions, dishes like lutefisk (dried fish reconstituted in a lye solution) and risengrynsgrøt (rice pudding) hold cultural significance. The Yule season emphasizes the use of locally available ingredients and the celebration of abundance during the winter months.


Offer libations to the gods and spirits as a gesture of gratitude and connection. You may like to offer mead or ale to Odin or simply offer water. Saturn would appreciate wine or honey and milk.

Nature walk or ritual 

Connect with nature by taking a mindful walk or performing a ritual outdoors. Connecting with nature during Yule holds helps us align with the season’s themes of renewal, the cycle of life and the resilience of the natural world. In these moments, we can find solace, inspiration and a profound sense of belonging to the larger rhythms of the natural world.

Bonfire ritual

If it’s safe and permitted, consider having a bonfire ritual to symbolize the return of the sun’s warmth. You may like to invoke or honour specific deities associated with the winter solstice, Yule, or your personal practice. Bonfires can be used as a symbol of letting go of what no longer serves us. We can even write what we want to let go of on slips of paper and throw the paper into the flames. In addition, offerings and rituals conducted around the bonfire can be a powerful way to connect with the divine and seek blessings.

Community engagement

You may want to attend or organize Yule gatherings with fellow Pagans or Witches to share experiences, rituals, and festivities. If you are part of a coven, participate in group rituals and share in the energy of the collective celebration. If you are not part of a coven or don’t have witchy friends, then spending time with family and friends enjoying whatever traditions are comfortable for everyone is a lovely alternative.

The Twelve Days of Yule

The Twelve Days of Yule refer to a period of celebration and festivities that span from the winter solstice to early January. This concept is often associated with various European and Nordic traditions, and it has influenced the structure of the modern Christmas season as well as Yule traditions.

Note that there are various examples of the Twelve Days of Yule. These Yule traditions and the specific customs associated with each night can vary based on regional and cultural practices. For example, in some Germanic and Norse Heathen Yule traditions, Mother’s Night is observed on the eve of the winter solstice, meaning it occurs on the night leading up to December 21st.

Here’s an example of one way to celebrate the Twelve Days of Yule.

Winter Solstice (Approximately December 21st)

The first night of Yule marks the winter solstice, the longest night and shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s a time of reflection and anticipation for the return of the sun.

Yule Night (December 21st/22nd)

The second night is dedicated to Yule, celebrated with rituals, feasts and the lighting of the Yule log, symbolizing the rebirth of the sun.

Mother’s Night (December 22nd/23rd)

Some traditions observe Mother’s Night on the third night, a time to honour feminine aspects of divinity, goddesses, or maternal figures.

Feast of Fools (December 25th)

On the fourth night, also known as Christmas Day in Christian traditions, merriment, feasting and revelry may be observed.

Day of the Wild Hunt (December 26th)

The fifth night is associated with the Wild Hunt, a mythological event in some Nordic traditions, honouring the spirits of the hunt and the wild.

Feast of the Children (December 27th)

On the sixth night, focus on family and children, emphasizing the joy and innocence of the holiday season.

Feast of the Winter Nights (December 31st/January 1st)

The seventh night marks the transition from the old year to the new, celebrated with feasting and reflections on the past and future.

Twelfth Night (January 5th/6th)

On the eighth night, traditionally considered the twelfth night, special foods and rituals may be observed as part of final celebrations.

Epiphany (January 6th)

The ninth night, also known as Epiphany in Christian traditions, marks the visit of the Magi to the infant Jesus, symbolizing the conclusion of the Christmas season. Though there is not necessarily a Pagan equivalent, there is a folklore story in Italian traditions that relates to this day. The story concerns a witch called Befana, Often depicted as a kindly old woman, Befana is said to fly on a broomstick, delivering gifts to children on the eve of Epiphany. According to the legend, she visits homes, leaving sweets and presents for well-behaved children and lumps of coal for those who have been naughty.

Day of Wassailing (January 7th)

On the tenth night, consider incorporating a ritual of wassailing, toasting, or sharing drinks to bring goodwill and blessings.

Day of Snow (January 8th)

The eleventh night can be a time to embrace the winter season, perhaps with activities in the snow or winter-themed rituals.

Day of Toasting (January 9th)

Concluding the Twelve Days of Yule traditions, on the twelfth night, consider a final ritual of toasting, expressing gratitude, and sending positive energy into the new year.

A Yule candle ritual for intentions

The following candle ritual is a lovely way to celebrate the 12 days of Yule. It can help you to go inward and spend time in contemplation. It is also a great opportunity to set intentions for the months ahead.

What you need

A large pillar candle or a jar candle. Choose a pillar candle in a colour that resonates with the Yule season, such as red, gold, or green. Ensure it’s large enough to burn for an extended period safely. Put it in a holder or place it on a sturdy fireproof plate.

Items to decorate your candle such as holly leaves, evergreen branches, berries, dried orange slices or whatever symbolises Yule or other winter traditions to you.

What to do

Set up a sacred space for your Yule traditions celebration. Ideally, this will be a peaceful corner of your home where you can safely burn the candle undisturbed.

Decorate the candle holder with the items you have chosen.

Spend some time meditating and thinking about the previous year and what you hope for in the coming year. Think about what you wish to let go of, what you would like to honour in your life and what you would like to invite into your life. Write down your specific goals, wishes, or intentions for the coming year on small pieces of paper. Keep these concise and focused on positive growth.

Before lighting the candle, take a moment to ground yourself and attune to the energy of the season. Visualize the symbolic return of light and the potential for personal growth.

Arrange the written intentions around the base of the candle or in a special container next to it. This visually connects your physical intentions with the energy you’re invoking.

On the night of the winter solstice or during your Yule celebration, light the candle. As the flame grows, focus on the warmth and light it provides, symbolizing the light returning to the world.

Spend time in quiet reflection as you watch the candle burn. Consider the symbolism of fire, transformation, and the positive changes you wish to manifest in the coming year.

When you’re ready to conclude the ritual, extinguish the candle safely. Visualize the energy of your intentions being sent out into the universe, trusting that they will manifest in the coming year. You can repeat this ritual for the twelve days of Christmas. Ideally, allow the candle to burn down completely on the last night. If this is not possible, you can continue to light it for a period each day until it is burned down and the ritual is completed.

I know this post hasn’t covered all the different Yule traditions, so I’d love to hear your favourites, Please share them with us in the comments.


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Eva May Baker
Eva May Baker
Hello, and welcome to The City Witch, your portal into the magical world that exists within the hustle and bustle of city life. My name is Eva Baker and I am an urban folk witch, author and your guide on this magical journey.


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