Understanding and Working with Divine Masculine Energy


I have been thinking recently about how modern life has pulled us away from many sacred truths and created imbalances in how we live and think. We have pushed away spiritual wisdom in favour of pure logic and forgotten how to work with power in ways that heal rather than harm. We’ve also lost touch with the dance between divine masculine and sacred feminine energies.

Today, I want to talk about the Divine Masculine because I believe we need this wisdom now more than ever. When we heal our relationship with masculine energy, we help restore balance not just in our own lives, but in our whole world. Whether you feel disconnected from your own Divine Masculine energy, carry wounds around masculine power or simply wish to understand this force more deeply, this article will hopefully guide you toward wholeness.

Understanding the Divine Masculine

The Divine Masculine is a type of spiritual energy we find in many different cultures and magical traditions. It’s about the power to act with purpose, to protect what matters and to create positive change in the world. This kind of energy isn’t tied to being male – it’s something everyone can connect with and use in their practice. However, many of us have complicated feelings about masculine energy because of how it’s been misused in our society.

We often see unhealthy expressions of masculine energy in the world around us – aggression instead of protection, control instead of guidance, dominance instead of leadership. This has created deep wounds in how we relate to masculine power. Also, many women have been socialised to only express feminine qualities, while men have been taught to reject their feminine side. This split doesn’t serve anyone – we all need access to both masculine and feminine energies to be whole.

Divine masculine energy has many names and takes slightly different forms in various spiritual traditions. Some call it ‘conscious action energy’ or ‘protective power.’ Others see it as the force that helps us stand strong in our truth, make clear decisions and look after others.If you feel uncomfortable with the term Divine Masculine, it might be helpful to use one of these terms, or something of your own devising instead.

In addition, the Divine Masculine on its own can never create balance. This is why, across cultures, we find this energy working in sacred partnership with the Divine Feminine, with each tradition offering unique wisdom about this sacred dance.

Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine in Wisdom Traditions

One of the most widely know explanations of this complementary energy is the Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang. This Taoist understanding shows us how opposing yet complementary forces work together in an eternal dance, where yang represents the active, warming and expanding qualities, often described as masculine, while yin embodies the receptive, cooling and inward-moving aspects often described as feminine. These forces constantly flow and transform into each other like day turning to night and back again.

The Hindu tradition offers Shiva and Shakti. Shiva represents pure consciousness, the masculine principle called purusha that watches, witnesses and holds space. Shakti, as the feminine principle prakriti, brings forth the creative energy that makes up the natural world. Together they show us how masculine awareness and feminine creativity weave together in all of existence.

We see similar patterns in ancient Egyptian thought, where the sun god Ra works in harmony with Isis’s lunar energy. Native American traditions speak of Father Sky’s relationship with Mother Earth, teaching us how these energies support and nourish each other. Even in Western esoteric traditions, this partnership appears in the elements – fire and air as active principles working alongside the receptive energies of water and earth.

While different paths give it different names, what truly matters is how we experience and work with these energies in our own lives and magical practice. This sacred power becomes real when we embody it through our actions and choices. Like Shiva’s pure consciousness or yang’s active force, divine masculine energy helps us move forward with purpose, protect what we value and bring our inner visions into the outer world, but it needs to be balanced in order for ourselves and our society to be whole and healthy.

Working with Divine Masculine Energy

Divine masculine energy comes alive through our actions and behaviours in everyday life. When we see someone taking full responsibility for their decisions, approaching difficult situations with both strength and empathy or offering guidance to others without trying to control them, we’re witnessing this sacred energy in action. These moments show us what healthy masculine power looks like – conscious, caring and clear in its purpose.

At the heart of divine masculine energy lies emotional intelligence – the ability to understand and work with feelings in mature and conscious ways. This means having the strength to stay present with difficult emotions rather than pushing them away. It means listening deeply to others’ feelings while staying grounded in our own truth. When we develop emotional intelligence, we learn to balance the head and heart, combining clear thinking with deep understanding.

Think about times you’ve seen someone handle a crisis in a calm manner, or watched a friend stand firm in their truth while still listening to another person’s side of the story. These situations reveal divine masculine energy working through qualities like leadership, resilience and emotional wisdom. Unlike the harsh or dominating expressions of masculine power we often see in the world, true divine masculine energy creates spaces where everyone can feel safe to express their full range of emotions and grow into their own power.

We see this energy at work when someone speaks up against unfairness while staying grounded in compassion, when they admit their mistakes and work to make things right or when they use their strength to protect rather than to control. Through emotional intelligence, divine masculine energy helps us move through the world with both power and wisdom, understanding that true strength includes the ability to be vulnerable, to connect deeply with others and to hold space for all aspects of human experience.

Working with the Divine Masculine

The following sections offer some suggestions to help us embody our Divine Masculine as well as to work through the wounds associated with this sacred force.

Ritual for Awakening Divine Masculine Energy

The following ritual draws upon solar energy and the elements to forge a connection with divine masculine power. While traditionally performed at dawn or midday, adapt it to whatever time feels right for your practice. If you feel uncomfortable with the term Divine Masculine Energy feel free to substitute it with one of the options above, or perhaps solar or sun energy.

Preparation: Create your sacred space with these items:

  • A gold or red candle (you can also use a white candle or LED candle)
  • A blade or wand for directing energy (optional)
  • Pine or cedar incense (optional)
  • A symbol of personal Divine Masculine power (perhaps a staff, a lion or a drum or a sun-associated crystal such as sunstone or tiger’s eye)
  • Sun-associated oils like frankincense, cedar or bergamot

Begin by cleansing your space. You may want to do this with pine or cedar incense. Alternatively, cleanse your space in the way you usually do, such as with sound or just by physical cleaning.

If you wish, you can draw a circle around you with your blade or wand, calling upon Divine Masculine guardians and protectors. Face each direction in turn, with your feet planted firmly, spine straight and chest open.

Next, light your candle with focused intention, declaring: “I open myself to the wisdom and power of the divine masculine. Guide me in strength, wisdom and conscious action.”

Anoint your solar plexus and crown with chosen oil, creating a channel between personal power and divine wisdom.

Stand in a pose that feel powerful to you, perhaps in a star shape or in warrior pose, feeling your connection to earth through your feet while reaching up to sky. Envision golden light descending through your crown, filling your entire being with divine masculine power.

Take up your power symbol. Feel the ages of masculine wisdom it represents. Say: “I stand in conscious power. The divine masculine flows through me with wisdom and purpose.”

As part of this ritual, you might want to embody masculine energy through sound or movement. You may like to begin a slow, purposeful movement practice such as a martial arts form, ecstatic dance or simply mindful walking. Focus on precision, presence and power in each movement. Alternatively, use sound by drumming or powerful declarations of intent. Let your voice carry the resonance of divine masculine power.

Now, seat yourself in meditation posture, straight-backed and alert. Take a few deep breaths and settle your mind. Visualise yourself climbing a sacred mountain or entering a sun temple. You may meet a person or animal who represents divine masculine energy there, or perhaps you will meet a God such as Ra, or you may just have a feeling of divine energy. Don’t worry if you can’t imagine these things in detail. Just do your best. You can always return to the practice and hone your visualisation skills.

Ask yourself: what wisdom does the divine masculine offer you in this space? What aspects of conscious power are you being called to embody? You may want to ask the Divine Masculine energy for guidance on how you might embody its wisdom in your life.

When you have finished your meditation, ground excess energy through your power symbol into the earth. Thank the divine masculine presence and any specific gods or energies you’ve worked with. Close your circle.

Notice how divine masculine energy influences your magical practice and daily life in the days following. Journal about changes in your relationship with power, boundary-setting and leadership.

Working with Divine Masculine Shadows

Many of us carry wounds around masculine power that need gentle healing. This shadow work means looking honestly at how we feel about authority, power and taking action. It means facing our fears about leadership and learning to be strong without becoming hard.

Working with masculine shadows means something different for each person. Some of us might need to heal our relationship with healthy anger, learning how to express it clearly without becoming harsh. Others might need to build trust in their own ability to lead or make decisions. Many of us need to learn that being strong doesn’t mean we can’t also be soft, vulnerable and open to feelings.

Working with these shadows involves examining:

  • Our relationship with authority and leadership
  • How we express and suppress anger
  • Our comfort with taking action and making decisions
  • Patterns around emotional vulnerability
  • Relationship to physical power and strength

Shadow Work Questions for Exploring Divine Masculine Energy

Think of the following prompts as gentle invitations to understand your relationship with masculine energy more deeply. Take time with each question, perhaps writing your responses in a journal or reflecting on them during meditation. Remember there are no right or wrong answers – what matters is your honest exploration.

  • When you think about masculine power, what early memories or experiences shape your feelings about it? Consider both positive and challenging experiences, noticing how they influence your relationship with masculine energy today.
  • Reflect on times when you’ve felt uncomfortable expressing masculine qualities like strength, leadership or protective energy. What fears or beliefs might be holding you back from embodying these qualities in healthy ways?
  • Notice your reaction when others show masculine energy around you. Do you find yourself trusting or distrusting their power? What past experiences might influence these reactions?
  • Consider your relationship with anger and boundary-setting. How comfortable do you feel expressing anger clearly and setting firm boundaries? What messages did you receive growing up about these expressions of masculine energy?
  • Think about leadership roles in your life. Do you tend to step forward or hang back? What beliefs about power and responsibility influence these choices?
  • Reflect on how you use your own strength. Do you trust yourself to use power wisely? Are there times when you hold back from acting powerfully because you fear misusing that power?
  • Consider your experience with vulnerability. How easy do you find it to balance being strong with being open? What makes this balance challenging for you?

Remember that shadow work can stir up deep feelings. Take breaks when needed, be gentle with yourself and perhaps share your insights with trusted friends or spiritual advisors or a therapist if required. Through understanding our shadows around masculine energy, we create space for more balanced and healthy expressions of this power in our lives.

Practical Shadow Integration

Often it is easier to work with masculine energy with our bodies. You might like to practice moving in ways that make you feel strong – perhaps through martial arts, dance or mindful exercise. Notice what feelings come up when you embody powerful movement. If you feel uncomfortable being strong, sit with that feeling gently and ask what it has to teach you.

Practice small acts of leadership – perhaps by making clear decisions about your own boundaries, speaking up when something feels wrong or taking responsibility for creating positive change. Pay attention to any fears or doubts that arise.

Bringing It All Together

Working with divine masculine energy offers everyone – regardless of gender – a path toward wholeness and empowerment. As we heal our relationship with masculine power, we help create new patterns of what strength and leadership can look like in our world.

Remember that sacred masculine energy works in partnership with feminine energy – they’re two currents of the same sacred force. Through conscious work with both energies, we develop magical practices that draw upon the full spectrum of spiritual power available to us.

May your exploration of divine masculine energy bring wisdom, strength and conscious empowerment to your practice. May you discover new ways to work with power that serve the highest good while staying true to your authentic self. May your connection to these sacred energies continue to deepen with each step on your path.

Blessed be.

Eva x


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Eva May Baker
Eva May Baker
Hello, and welcome to The City Witch, your portal into the magical world that exists within the hustle and bustle of city life. My name is Eva Baker and I am an urban folk witch, author and your guide on this magical journey.


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