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Working with the Celtic Goddess The Morrigan


In modern spiritual practices, many people turn to the Celtic Goddess The Morrigan as a symbol of feminine strength, independence and resilience. Her archetype encourages individuals, regardless of gender, to embrace their inner power, assert their autonomy and navigate life’s journey with a sense of purpose and self-determination.

The Morrigan is an Irish Goddess often portrayed wearing black and accompanied by a crow. As an important Celtic Goddess she is associated with war, fate and death – but there is so much more to her than that. If you feel choose to work with her you will soon discover that she is also a symbol of empowerment, intuition, justice and wisdom as well as encompassing the nurturing power of an Earth Goddess.

The Morrigan is sometimes depicted as a triad of goddesses, sometimes sisters, sometimes the mother, maiden and crone. In other mythologies she is portrayed as a single entity with differing aspects. In Irish mythology, the Celtic Goddess The Morrigan frequently appears as a shape-shifter, taking on various forms such as a crow, a wolf, or an eel. Her name is believed to mean “Great Queen” or “Phantom Queen,” reflecting her multifaceted nature.

If you would like to work with this Celtic Goddess, this article will explain a little about her, her symbols and ways to work with her. It also includes a ritual to honour her. If you are new to deity work, you can also check out my article Deity work 101 for some beginner tips.

The Morrigan in Irish Mythology

There are many Irish myths about The Morrigan goddess as well as archaeological evidence that she was worshipped in Ireland, Britain and Gaul. There is a great introduction to the Celtic Goddess the Morrigan at the Irish Road Trip if you would like a more in-depth guide to her mythology.

One of the Celtic Goddess the Morrigan’s most well-known myths depicts her as the Washer at the Ford. In this myth, The Morrigan appears as a washerwoman near riverbanks and is seen washing the clothes and armour of those who are destined to die in upcoming battles. This serves as a forewarning, signalling the approach of significant events or conflicts. The sound of her washing is considered an omen, symbolising the connection between life, death and destiny. The myth highlights The Morrigan’s role as a harbinger of fate in the cycle of life and death.

In Celtic mythology, The Morrigan acts as a psychopomp assisting departed spirits on their journey to the afterlife. She navigates between the living and the dead with her wisdom and supernatural influence. For this reason, she can be a useful ally in our ancestor work. As a goddess of prophecy and liminal spaces, she can also help us with divination and psychic work.

While The Morrigan is often associated with war, her involvement in battles was to protect her lands and her people. This association with sovereignty links her to the concept of personal authority and rulership. By aligning with her, individuals can draw upon her energy to assert themselves, make decisions with confidence and navigate the complexities of life with a sense of empowerment.

She had a close connection with the land of Ulster and with all natural and agricultural cycles. For this reason, she is also seen as a Goddess of the earth and fertility.

Symbols of The Morrigan

The Celtic Goddess The Morrigan is associated with several symbols that capture different aspects of her complex nature and role in Celtic mythology. Here are some of the main symbols associated with her.


Crows and ravens are perhaps the most prominent symbols of The Morrigan. As a shape-shifter, she is often depicted in the form of these birds, signifying her connection to the otherworld and her role as a harbinger of fate and death.

Swords and Spears

Weapons, especially swords and spears, are symbols of her association with war and conflict. They represent her role as a warrior goddess who inspires and influences battles in order to protect her land and her people.

Triple Spiral/Triple Knot

As a trinity goddess, The Morrigan is sometimes represented by a triple spiral or triple knot. This symbolises her aspects as a maiden, mother, and crone and/or her roles in life, death, and rebirth.

Red and Black

These colours are often associated with The Morrigan, representing both the bloodshed of battle and the transformative aspects of death and rebirth.


The cauldron is a symbol of her connection to the cycle of life, death and rebirth. It represents transformation and regeneration.


In some instances, The Morrigan is associated with the wolf, highlighting her shape-shifting abilities and her connection to the wilderness and the untamed aspects of nature.


The Morrigan is sometimes associated with mist or fog, symbolising the mysterious and elusive nature of the otherworld and the liminal spaces she inhabits.

Honouring The Celtic Goddess The Morrigan

Honouring The Morrigan can take various forms. The practice you choose should be influenced by your personal beliefs and preferences. However, here are some simple yet powerful ways to honour her.

Create an altar

You may like to create an altar dedicated to The Morrigan with items that represent such as images of crows or ravens, a cauldron, a sword or a representation of the triple goddess. Decorate the altar with colours associated with her, such as red and black.

Prayers and Invocations

You may wish to recite prayers or invocations to her, express your intentions, and gratitude, or seek her guidance. You can find examples in books or online or for an even more personal approach, write your own prayer or poem.

Rituals and Ceremonies

Performing rituals or ceremonies in honour of The Morrigan is a great way to connect with her. This can be especially effective during significant times, such as the phases of the moon, solstices, or equinoxes. You can also incorporate elements that resonate with her mythology and symbolism.


The Morrigan is associated with prophecy and fate. Consider incorporating divination practices, such as tarot readings, scrying, or other forms of divination, as a means of connecting with her energies and seeking guidance.

Study Her Mythology

Learn more about The Morrigan by studying Celtic mythology and the stories associated with her. Gain a deeper understanding of her roles, attributes, and historical context.

Act of Service

Dedicate acts of service or volunteer work in her name, especially activities that involve protection, empowerment or supporting those in need.

Nature Walks

As The Morrigan is often associated with the natural world, spending time in nature, particularly in areas with crows or ravens, is another great way to connect with her energy. Perhaps take some time to offer gratitude for the beauty and power of the natural world.

Create Art

Express your devotion through creative outlets such as art, music or poetry. Create works inspired by The Morrigan’s symbolism or your personal connection with her.

Feel free to adapt these suggestions to align with your own beliefs, preferences and the specific aspects of The Celtic Goddess The Morrigan that resonate most with you.

Offerings to The Morrigan

Here are a few suggestions for offerings that would be suitable for The Morrigan.

Blood-red wine or dark ale: Symbolic of vitality, strength and the bloodshed of battle.

Dark chocolate: Represents the bittersweet nature of life and death.

Incense: Offerings of incense, especially those with scents like myrrh, frankincense, or dragon’s blood, can be used to invoke her presence.

Weapons or armour: Miniature replicas or symbols of weaponry and armour can be offered as symbols of readiness for battle and protection.

Feathers: The Morrigan is often depicted accompanied by crows or ravens. Offering feathers can symbolize her connection to these birds.

Black stones or crystals: Stones like obsidian or hematite, represent strength, protection and the dark aspects of life.

Herbs: Offerings of herbs such as mugwort, vervain, or rue, known for their protective and mystical properties, could be appropriate.

Additional food offerings: Offerings of dark fruits such as blackberries or pomegranates, or hearty, earthy foods like roasted meats or root vegetables, can be suitable.

A Ritual to The Celtic Goddess The Morrigan

This simple ritual is an excellent way to make a connection with The Morrigan and get your relationship off to a great start!

What you need

  • Altar space with representations of her symbols (crow feathers, a small cauldron, images of crows or ravens, red and black candles)
  • Offering items (dark chocolate, wine, herbs, or other items associated with her)
  • A candle
  • Incense (optional)
  • A small bowl of water
  • Items for divination, such as tarot cards or a scrying mirror (optional)

What to do

Choose a quiet and comfortable space for the ritual and set up your altar with the representations of The Morrigan.

If you wish, you may create a circle before you begin the ritual. Stand at the centre of your ritual space and envision a protective circle of light forming around you. Imagine this circle as a sacred space that connects you with the energies of The Morrigan. Alternatively, you may sprinkle a circle of salt around your work area to create a sacred circle.

Light the incense and candle.

Begin by invoking The Morrigan. You can use a pre-written invocation or speak from your heart, expressing your intention to honour and connect with her. Ask for her presence in the ritual.

Place your offerings on the altar. Offer gratitude and acknowledgement for her influence in your life.

Dip your fingers into the water and anoint your forehead, heart and hands. This symbolises the blessing of The Morrigan Goddess and the sacred waters of her influence.

Take a moment to reflect on her mythology and her role in your spiritual journey. Consider any challenges or transformations you are currently experiencing.

If you wish to seek guidance or insights, use divination tools like tarot cards or a scrying mirror. Focus your questions on aspects of your life where you seek her wisdom.

To close the ritual, express gratitude to The Morrigan for her presence and blessings. Release the protective circle by envisioning the light dissipating.

Conclude the ritual by thanking The Celtic Goddess The Morrigan once again and expressing your commitment to continue honouring her in your spiritual practice.

Take a few deep breaths and visualise any excess energy grounding back into the Earth.

Remember that rituals are personal, and you can modify this outline to better suit your preferences and spiritual connection with The Celtic Goddess The Morrigan. If you want to find out more about this Goddess, I would thoroughly recommend picking up a copy of The Morrigan: Celtic Goddess of Magick and Might by Courtney Weber.


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Eva May Baker
Eva May Baker
Hello, and welcome to The City Witch, your portal into the magical world that exists within the hustle and bustle of city life. My name is Eva Baker and I am an urban folk witch, author and your guide on this magical journey.


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