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How to create manifestation spells that really work


So you want to make manifestation spells that work? It’s simpler than you think. In this post, I will explain how to make personalised manifestation spells, for any purpose, that are super powerful. I’ll help you to overcome any blocks that are getting in the way of your magic. Plus, I’ve included a money manifestation spell outline to guide you through the steps you need to take.

Why manifestation sometimes fails

One of the reasons manifestation spells sometimes don’t work for us is that we have to imagine what we want and believe it is possible. Those of us brought up on a diet of rational thinking find it hard to make that leap of faith. We do all the right things, say the appropriate words, light the correct coloured candle and still nothing works. So we lose faith and give up.

A second reason that manifestation can fail is that we have limiting beliefs that block our manifestations. If we believe we do not deserve what we are trying to manifest or that good things don’t happen to people like us, we block the magic.

So, what do we do? The next section will help you find out what’s blocking your manifestation and how to overcome it.

Manifestation spells troubleshooting

I’ll start by tackling some things that get in the way of our magic working. First, we need to align our desires and beliefs to have faith in the universe and our magical abilities. Then we need to eliminate any limiting beliefs that are blocking our manifestation.

In this article, we will work through an example together focusing on money. I will then offer a manifestation spells template you can adapt to your needs and desires. The reason I have chosen a money manifestation spell for this example is not because I think money magic is an especially important subject but simply because it is easier to be clear about your intentions with money magic and the results are easily measurable. Concepts such as self-esteem, confidence, abundance, harmony and success are more difficult to quantify so require more time in the clarification process. Once you have worked through the process with a money spell, you can repeat it for any desire or goal you choose.

So, let’s work on manifesting a small amount of money to come to us. 

Eliminating limiting beliefs

Now, what comes to mind when you think of this? That it is not possible? That I do not deserve it? That the universe would never do this for me? That I am not lucky? Write down any negative beliefs about this idea of a small amount of money coming to you.

Most people’s beliefs will fall into one of three categories, or a combination of all three 

  1. It’s not possible
  2. It’s not possible for me
  3. Asking for this is wrong

Let’s deal with each of these in turn.

It’s not possible

If you are not sure if magic is possible or real then think about your life and see if you can remember a time when something happened that did seem magical. 

Here is an example from my life. I was reading a magazine article about writing. This article recommended a few books, including Becoming a Writer by Dorothea Brande. Unfortunately, this book was out of print. Now, this was before the days of Amazon when you could get any book with just the click of a button – the book was out of print so I didn’t have a way to access it.

The next day, I was driving to my local high street and thinking about what I was doing with my life. I wanted to be a writer but I didn’t know if it was possible for me. I decided to ask the universe. Should I be a writer? I said. Please give me a sign if this is the path for me.

I arrived at the high street and did my errands and then, on my way back to the car I passed an Oxfam shop. I decided to go in and look at the books. You’ve guessed what happened right? I walked to the bookshelf and there it was, right at eye level Becoming a Writer by Dorothea Brande.

Has anything like this ever happened to you? Has unexpected help come at a moment of crisis? Have you received new information from an unusual source when you needed it? Were you drawn to a certain event and then met someone who became a lifelong friend or partner? Did you pick up the exact book you needed in a secondhand bookshop? Did you have a dream that guided you out of a difficult situation? Did you lose something and call on St Anthony and it suddenly appeared or you immediately recalled where it was? Was a prayer answered?

Search your mind for any synchronicities or strange coincidences and write them down in a journal or your book of shadows. These are tiny reminders of what you can create with magical intentions. Nurture these positive thoughts so they grow. 

Are you beginning to believe magic might just be possible? If you aren’t there yet, don’t worry. Just try to keep an open mind and look for ways the universe might be helping you. Once you tune in, with appreciation and gratitude, you’ll see that magic is all around you.

It’s not possible for me

If your beliefs fall into this category, you may well believe in magic, synchronicity and luck but you don’t think they are possible for you. Other people are lucky and happy, but not me. Or I don’t deserve love because I am bad, greedy or selfish. You may think that being rich is for other people, not for people like you. 

I’d like you to write in your journal a list of good things about you and a list of good things you have done. This is very important if you want to manifest good things in your life. You have to believe you are at least a tiny bit worthy.

What’s good about you? Are you kind to animals or patient with babies? Are you diligent and reliable? Are you friendly? Do you always put your litter in the bin? Do you take in parcels for your neighbour? Do you have a flair for design, a way with words or a head for numbers? Did you once help someone down a flight of stairs with a pushchair? Did you write a letter that was published in the local newspaper? Did you pass your driving test or your GCSEs?  Did you stay up all night with a sick child? 

Write it all down.

Asking for this is wrong

I don’t know about you but I find it hard to wish for more money when I know that there are people so much worse off than me. How can I be so selfish? But this thinking comes from believing that the universe is like a pie. If I have a bigger slice then someone else will get less. That’s not how the universe works. The universe is abundant energy and this energy is never destroyed. You can take what you want and it won’t take it away from anyone – they have access to abundance too.

It’s important to disentangle these beliefs. You deserve abundance and so does every other soul on this earth. You also deserve peace, love, success and anything else you desire. Your denying yourself won’t change another person’s experience in any way. Well, actually your being miserable may add to the weight of misery in the world, whereas your joy will bring in a little more light, so it could be argued that you should do whatever you can to feel more joyful.

Now of course, as a responsible witch, you wouldn’t want to destroy the environment or intentionally harm another person, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have what you want. You are free to fight against social injustice, give to a homeless charity and buy an electric car to reduce your carbon footprint. You are also free to drink champagne, buy a new outfit or take a holiday. I think that sometimes this fear of lack is deliberately instilled in us by a capitalist society that wants us to work hard, live in fear and distrust one another, but that’s just my opinion! Either way, I choose not to buy into it. 

If you still feel it is very difficult to imagine yourself receiving a small amount of money then try committing to giving half of that money to charity when it arrives and see if that breaks the block. You can also try writing an affirmation such as ‘I deserve good things’. Repeat this as often as you can for the next few days.

Once you have worked through these limiting beliefs you can begin to craft your manifestation spells. You can use these headings to work through any limiting beliefs around any issues in your life that you want to improve. 

So let’s begin. For this spell, we are going to create a money bowl.

Money Manifestation Spell Bowl

What you need

  • A bowl (any bowl will do but a green, gold or clear one is best)
  • Cinnamon, basil, mint or rosemary
  • Coins or banknotes 
  • A bay leaf with your intended amount of money written on it (if you don’t have a bay leaf, use a slip of paper instead)
  • Written symbols that represent money and financial abundance to you (you can print symbols from the internet or draw your own – use a green pen for extra luck)
  • crystals for manifestation (optional)

How to create your manifestation spells

It is a good idea to prepare for manifestation spells by cleansing your space with incense, a room spray or by ringing a bell. Prepare yourself by taking a few deep breaths or doing a short meditation while focusing on a feeling of abundance. You can light a candle if you wish, a green, gold or white one will work best. Alternatively, you can use an LED candle or fairy lights.

Take your bowl and add your items or symbols one by one. As you add each item, think about your intention to receive a small amount of money. 

Next, sprinkle everything in the bowl with cinnamon, basil or chamomile.

If you like you can also recite an incantation. Here is an example, but you can adapt it to work with your belief system. You can call on deities, elements, spirits or your higher self. You can say what you are asking for the money for, as well as how you will share it if that is your plan.

Dear Universe/Deity/Higher Self,

I ask for (amount of money) to come to me soon. I ask that this benefits myself and others.

So may it be.

Now imagine yourself with that amount of money in your hand or your bank account. Visualise yourself spending it on something you will enjoy or that will bring you positive emotions.

Finally, place the bowl on your altar or where you will see it often. If you are a broom-closeted witch you can hide the bowl in a cupboard, drawer or box. Each time you see your bowl, repeat your intention and imagine the good feelings you will have when you receive the money you requested. You can add to the bowl over the next few days if you think of new items to include.

When your small amount of money arrives, remember to be grateful.

It will not always be necessary to work on limiting beliefs before creating manifesting spells or spellcasting. However, if you are struggling to receive what you desire, then it is well worth the effort. It can be the easiest way to sweep away the blocks and obstacles that are getting in the way of you achieving your dreams and desires.

Manifestation Spells Template

This template can be used to manifest whatever you desire. You can adapt it to suit your chosen intention as well as your needs and practice. For example, add a rose quartz or rose petals to manifest love, a citrine for happiness, rosemary for protection or other herbs and crystals that are aligned with your intention.

What you need

  • A bowl or jar
  • Herbs that match your intention (you can use rosemary for any intention)
  • Items or written symbols that match your intention
  • A bay leaf or slip of paper with your intention written on it
  • Crystals for manifestation (optional)

How to create your manifestation spells

Cleanse your space with incense, a room spray or by ringing a bell. Prepare yourself by taking a few deep breaths or doing a short meditation while focusing on your intention. You can light a candle if you wish.

Take your bowl or jar and add your items or symbols one by one. As you add each item, think about your intention and the positive feelings you will have when you achieve your desire. 

Next, sprinkle everything in the bowl with the herbs.

If you like you can also recite an incantation. Here is an example, but you can adapt it to work with your belief system. You can call on deities, elements, spirits or your higher self.

Dear Universe.

I set my intention to receive

The deepest desire I want to achieve

It is now on its way, I believe

So may it be

Now imagine yourself having achieved your intention or desire. Try to feel the good emotions that will come with your success. You could spend some time visualising what you will be doing when your goal has been accomplished. If you find it hard to visualise clearly, simply repeat your intention or an affirmation that embodies your desire.

Finally, place the bowl or jar on your altar or in a place where you will see it often. If you have used a jar you can seal it if you wish. Personally, I leave mine open so I can add items to it periodically and recharge it with my intentions. If you are a broom-closeted witch you can hide the bowl in a cupboard, drawer or box. Each time you see your bowl or jar, repeat your intention and imagine the good feelings you will have when your manifestation comes to fruition.

When your desire manifests, remember to be grateful.

Here’s to successful manifestation spells!


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Eva May Baker
Eva May Baker
Hello, and welcome to The City Witch, your portal into the magical world that exists within the hustle and bustle of city life. My name is Eva Baker and I am an urban folk witch, author and your guide on this magical journey.


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