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Visualisation Techniques to Help you Achieve your Dreams and Goals


Visualisation is a technique used by elite athletes, successful entrepreneurs and high achievers across the globe. It’s a scientifically backed practice that can bring your goals and dreams into reality. Visualisation can provide you with the clarity and focus to guide you towards both personal and professional success.

Visualisation is a practice that I have been using for many years. However, I have to admit that I don’t always find it easy. I often struggle to decide on what to visualise, find it difficult to focus, and sometimes have trouble creating mental pictures and feeling the emotions associated with realising my goals. I keep trying though, because I believe visualisation can be really helpful. There are lots of studies that show how effective it can be and I have found it has made a difference in my own life, even when I feel like I am struggling to ‘do it right’.

This post offers a guide to visualisation, including the benefits and the science behind the practice. There is also a troubleshooting section in case you, like me, sometimes struggle with visualisation! I have included a sample practice at the end to help you get started with this powerful technique.

What is Visualisation?

Visualisation is the practice of creating detailed mental images of desired outcomes or goals as well as feeling the positive emotions associated with achieving these outcomes. It involves engaging the mind to imagine achieving specific objectives as vividly as possible. This technique harnesses the brain’s ability to simulate experiences and reinforce neural pathways that are associated with actual performance. By regularly visualising success, we can enhance our motivation, focus and confidence, and effectively bridge the gap between our dreams and reality. Visualisation can also help us clarify our intentions, reduce feelings of anxiety and improve our overall performance, making it an invaluable tool in setting and achieving our goals.

Benefits of Visualisation

Visualisation offers a multitude of benefits that can significantly enhance both personal and professional aspects of our lives. By engaging in regular visualisation practices, we can experience a range of positive outcomes including:

Enhanced Performance

By mentally rehearsing our actions, we can refine techniques, build muscle memory and boost confidence. Studies have shown that visualisation can be nearly as effective as physical practice in enhancing performance.

Goal Achievement

Visualisation helps clarify goals and create a mental roadmap for achieving them. When we regularly visualise our success, we strengthen our determination and focus, making it easier to stay motivated and take actionable steps towards our objectives. Dr Gail Matthews’ research on goal setting found that people who wrote down their goals and visualised them were more likely to achieve them than those who did not.

Stress Reduction and Improved Mental Health

Visualisation can be a powerful tool for managing stress and improving overall mental health. By imagining peaceful and positive scenarios, we can reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. This practice can also help reframe negative thoughts and foster a more optimistic outlook. Research by Dr Richard Suinn has highlighted the benefits of visualisation in reducing stress levels and enhancing psychological well-being.

Increased Confidence and Self-Efficacy

Regularly visualising successful outcomes can significantly boost our confidence and belief in our abilities. When our brains repeatedly experience success through visualisation, they start to internalise these positive outcomes, which enhances self-efficacy. This increased confidence can lead to better performance and a greater willingness to take on challenges.

Improved Focus and Concentration

Visualisation helps improve focus and concentration by training our minds to ignore distractions and maintain attention on desired outcomes. This enhanced mental discipline can be particularly beneficial in high-pressure situations, enabling us to perform at our best when it matters most.

Creative Problem Solving

Engaging in visualisation can stimulate creative thinking and problem-solving skills. By imagining different scenarios and outcomes, we can explore new ideas and solutions that we might not have considered otherwise. This can lead to innovative approaches and breakthroughs in various areas of our lives.

The Science Behind Visualisation

Neurological Basis

Visualisation activates the brain’s neural pathways in ways remarkably similar to actual physical activity. When we vividly imagine performing a task, our brain engages many of the same regions as if we were physically executing the action. This mental rehearsal strengthens neural connections, enhancing our ability to perform visualised tasks in real life.

A study by Dr. Guang Yue at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation demonstrated that mental imagery alone could increase muscle strength. Participants who visualised performing exercises showed a significant increase in muscle strength compared to those who did not engage in visualisation. This study shows the brain’s capacity to improve physical performance through the mere act of imagining.

Psychological Impact

Visualisation can also influence our psychological state. By regularly practising, we can alter our mindsets, reduce anxiety and enhance performance. Visualisation helps create a positive mental framework and improve our confidence by helping us feel mentally prepared. When we repeatedly see ourselves succeeding in our minds, we become more likely to believe in our abilities and approach challenges with a proactive attitude.

Dr. David R. Hamilton has undertaken research which explores the psychological benefits of visualisation. Hamilton’s studies illustrate how the power of belief and expectation can bring about real changes in our physiology and behaviour. When we visualise positive outcomes, our brains release neurotransmitters that improve our mood and reduce stress levels. This reduction in anxiety can lead to improved performance, as a calm and focused mind is better equipped to tackle tasks effectively.

Techniques for Effective Visualisation

There are several techniques you can use in your visualisation practice. I suggest giving all of them a try to see which works best for you.

Guided Imagery

Guided imagery involves following instructions, often from a recording or guide, to create detailed mental images. This technique helps focus your imagination on specific goals or scenarios, making your practice more structured and effective. During guided imagery, you might picture yourself in a peaceful place, achieving success, or overcoming challenges. It’s great for reducing stress, improving concentration, and boosting creativity because it provides a clear path to immerse yourself fully in the experience.

Visualisation Meditation

Visualisation meditation combines the relaxation of meditation with the focus of visualisation. Find a quiet space, get comfortable, and start with deep breathing to relax your mind and body. Then, imagine achieving your desired goal in vivid detail. Whether it’s acing a presentation or reaching a personal milestone, visualise the sights, sounds and emotions involved. Regular practice enhances mental clarity, reduces anxiety, and helps turn your visions into reality. There is a sample script for this type of visualisation at the end of this post.

Vision Boards

Vision boards are fun and practical tools for visualising your goals. Gather magazines, photos and craft supplies, then choose images and words that represent your aspirations. Arrange them on a board in a way that inspires you and reflects your dreams. Place your vision board where you’ll see it daily, like your bedroom or office. This visual reminder keeps your goals top of mind, motivating you to take steps towards achieving them.


If you are a spiritual person, you may like to give Pathworking a go. Pathworking is a spiritual or psychological technique where one mentally journeys through symbolic landscapes or scenarios, often guided by imagination or meditation. It aims to explore inner realms, gain insights, or achieve personal transformation through the symbolic experiences encountered along the “path.”

Daily Practice

I have found that visualisation works best for me when I keep it short and sweet but make it an (almost) daily practice. This seems to be more effective for me than occasionally doing a big visualisation routine.

  • Set Aside Daily Time: Choose a specific time each day, like mornings or evenings, to visualise your goals.
  • Incorporate into Routine: Combine visualisation with activities you already do, such as meditation or exercise.
  • Keep a Journal: Write down your visualisations in a journal, noting details and feelings. It helps track progress and stay motivated.
  • Use Reminders: Set alarms or leave notes to remind yourself to visualise regularly.
  • Stay Positive and Persistent: Visualisation improves with practice. Try to stay upbeat and keep at it, even if results take time.

Potential Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Common Pitfalls

Starting a visualisation practice can pose several common challenges that may hinder progress and consistency. The following challenges are common among the people I work with and I have experienced them all myself, too.

  1. Difficulty in Visualising Some individuals find it hard to create vivid mental images or sustain focus during visualisation sessions.
  2. Lack of Belief: It is easy to slip into doubt about the effectiveness of visualisation or scepticism about its impact on achieving goals.
  3. Inconsistency: It can be a struggle to maintain a regular practice due to busy schedules or distractions.
  4. Negative Thinking: Persistent negative thoughts or self-doubt can undermine the positive effects of visualisation.


  1. Enhance Visualisation Skills: Start with simple exercises and gradually build up to more complex scenarios. Use guided imagery or visualisation scripts to help structure your practice and enhance clarity. Don’t worry about getting it perfect. Just try your best to imagine your goals and aspirations and the feelings and emotions around them.
  2. Cultivate Belief and Positivity: Remind yourself of success stories or research findings that support the effectiveness of visualisation. (Check out the further resources at the end of this post). Working on your self-esteem can also be an important aspect of believing in yourself and your power to achieve your goals.
  3. Create a Routine: Set aside dedicated time each day for visualisation, even if it’s just a few minutes. Even if you are tired or not in the mood, try to do just a little bit. It will get easier with practice, I promise. Integrate visualisation into your daily routine, such as before bed or during a morning meditation, to establish consistency.
  4. Address Negative Thoughts: You may want to practice mindfulness to become aware of negative thinking patterns. Journaling can also help identify and challenge negative beliefs.
  5. Seek Support and Accountability: If you think it might help, share your goals and progress with a friend, coach, or mentor who can provide encouragement and accountability. Joining a visualisation group or community can also provide motivation and inspiration.
  6. Track Progress: Keep a visualisation journal to record your experiences, insights, and successes. Reflect on how your practice is impacting your mindset and actions towards achieving your goals. Because changes happen slowly, we sometimes don’t notice the cumulative effects of our practice. You might be surprised when you look back through your journal and see the progress you have made!

Sample Visualisation Script: Achieving Your Goals

Start by finding a comfortable and quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Sit or lie down in a relaxed position, and gently close your eyes. Take a few moments to focus on your breathing—inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a moment, and exhale slowly through your mouth. Feel the tension leaving your body with each exhale, allowing yourself to sink deeper into relaxation.

Imagine yourself at the top of a staircase with ten steps leading down to a place where you feel completely at ease and empowered such as a beautiful garden or a beach. With each step you take, feel yourself becoming more relaxed and peaceful.

Step down to the tenth step, feeling your body becoming lighter and more relaxed with each step. Take another step down to the ninth step, letting go of any remaining tension in your muscles. Continue descending with each step, deeper into relaxation.

As you reach the bottom of the staircase, you find yourself in a place where you feel calm and focused.

Now, bring to mind a specific goal that you deeply desire to achieve. Visualise it in vivid detail—imagine yourself already accomplishing this goal. See the scene around you, and notice the sights and sounds. Imagine the scenario playing out just as you want it, including any interactions with the people involved. Visualise yourself interacting confidently and successfully in this scenario.

Engage all your senses in this mental imagery. What sounds do you hear? What sights do you see? How do you feel emotionally and physically? Embrace the positive emotions that come with achieving this goal such as joy, satisfaction and pride.

Take a moment to reaffirm your commitment to this goal. Visualise yourself taking the necessary steps to accomplish it, overcoming obstacles with ease and determination.

As you continue to visualise, hold onto these positive feelings and sensations. Feel them deeply within yourself, knowing that this goal is within your reach and that you are capable of achieving it.

Slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment. Wiggle your fingers and toes, and take a few more deep breaths. When you are ready, gently open your eyes.

For further exploration into visualisation practices and related research, consider checking out the following resources:


Yue, G., & Cole, K. J. (1992). Strength increases from the motor program: Comparison of training with maximal voluntary and imagined muscle contractions. Journal of Neurophysiology, 67(5), 1114-1123. doi:10.1152/jn.1992.67.5.1114

Matthews, G. (2007). The impact of commitment, accountability, and written goals on goal achievement. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(4), 960-973. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.92.4.960

Suinn, R. M. (1997). Mental practice in sport psychology: Where have we been, where do we go? Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 4(3), 189-207. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2850.1997.tb00113.x

Hamilton, D. R. (2015). The five side-effects of kindness: This book will make you feel better, be happier & live longer. Hay House, Inc.

Further Resources


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Eva May Baker
Eva May Baker
Hello, and welcome to The City Witch, your portal into the magical world that exists within the hustle and bustle of city life. My name is Eva Baker and I am an urban folk witch, author and your guide on this magical journey.


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